

1112 Uppsatser om Emotional labour - Sida 1 av 75

Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av det emotionella arbetet : En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie

Background: A nurse who is working in the health care is expected to show the best side for other people. An emotional work demands a lot of the role of a nurse, when she has to deal with her feelings after the given situation to satisfy the patient.Aim: The purpose of the study is to seek understanding of what nurses perceive to be the essence of the emotional work in health care. The study also wants to understand what factors could affect the meeting both positively and negatively between nurse and patient in social interactionMethod: The study?s methodology is qualitative with phenomenological-hermeneutical approach to seek understanding of the six interviewed nurses lived experiences and the experiences of the emotional work.Results: The result has four main themes developed: Emotional management, to consider the patients existential needs, meeting the patient and to do something meaningful.Conclusion: The essence of the perceived emotional work for nurses is emotional transformation where the nurse changes her feelings by acting according to the situation in the meeting with the patient. It is important that nurses reflect in the work so they do not take their work home and become exhausted and burn out.Keywords: Emotional labour, emotional management, patient encounter, phenomenological-hermeneutical, existential needs, the essence, burn out.

Jobbcoachning- en skjuts i karriären eller en lindring i misären - En kvalitativ studie av jobbcoachningens roll på arbetsmarknaden

This paper examines job coaching on the Swedish labour market. The study uses trygghetsråden, which are organizations established by an agreement from the labour and employer side, as a starting point for the study. In addition, the study examines the phenomenon from the perspective of the job coaches themselves and the coaches clients. The study concludes that job coaching is defined by the coach and the client's common goal of finding a suitable match for the client on the labour market. The job coach helps the client reach the goal of an appropriate job by making him or her aware of his or her competences and preferences.

Jämlika villkor? En diskursanalys av LOs presentation av arbetskraftsinvandring under åren 2000-2006

Central labour market actors have come to an agreement ? Sweden is going to need labour migration. In spite of the agreement the actors disagree upon how the labour migration should be designed. This essay examines how the union organisation, LO presents labour migration in their rapports during the years 2000-2006. This is done through Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory and a merge with postcolonial theory.

Sjung i kör och håll dig frisk! En studie om hur körsång kan påverka körsångares emotionella och fysiska hälsa

Choir singing is one of the most popular national movements in Sweden but the knowledge of the meaning of this activity for health and well being from the choir singers? own experiences is limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop useful knowledge about the meaning of choir singing for participating persons from a health perspective. The data was collected through qualitative interviews with six different choir singers and went after that through a comprehensive analysis which resulted in four main categories: an oasis in the existence; possibilities of meetings and solidarity; goals and musical development; and physical and emotional well-being. The results showed that the choir activity represents a place where the singers can escape the demands and the stress factors of everyday life and where they get the opportunity of meaningful relations with other people.

Emotionell intelligens : En studie av den dskursiva produktionen av begreppet emotionell intelligens i ett organisationssammanhang

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a highly used concept in contemporary organizations, especially in the recruitment process or education of employees and managers. The aim of this study was to examine the discursive production of the concept emotional intelligence and how it, linked to an organizational context, is expressed in web-based articles and course homepages. In total 11 texts related to emotional intelligence and organizational contexts were used as the object of study. A three-stage model was used as a method for analysis. The model included a content analysis, argument analysis and a deconstruction analysis in order to expose what was said about emotional intelligence and how it was said.

Positiva emotioner i marknadsföringen av kollektivtrafik

On the behalf of the European commission suggestions were made on how to increase the usage of public transportation in cities in Europe. A suggestion on how to make public transportation more popular was to use more emotions when marketing public transportation. However, according to theory emotional marketing is best suited for products that have a more hedonic character which public transportation does not usually have. The aim of this report was to investigate if emotional marketing could have a more positive effect on the attitude toward public transportation than less emotional marketing. Ads for the metro in Stockholm were made and it was tested to what degree they conveyed positive emotions.

Brittiska Labour ? svikare eller frälsare? : Om ett svikt vallöfte eller en räddning av Storbritanniens inflytande i EU.

This Bachelor thesis deals with the act of the British Labour Party when they recalled a referendum promised by former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Tony Blair promised a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty, but his successor Gordon Brown later recalled it when the Lisbon Treaty succeeded the Constitutional Treaty as the legal foundation of the European Union.The main purpose of this thesis was to with help from various theorethical frameworks explain why the Labour Party decided to do this, even if this decision gave the main opposition party, the Conservative and Unionist Party (the Tories), the chance to heavily critisize the Labour Party, and picture them as traitors.The research questions were:? What are the reasons that the Labour Party went from being a Eurosceptical party, to become more pro-European?? Why did the Labour Party cancel the promised referendum on the new treaty of the European Union?Various answers were found for the first research question. Among the most important was that it was a part of the over all transition which led to the launch of New Labour.The second research question was answered with three explanatory models based on actions of the Labour Party on three arenas; the electoral arena (based on power, this model claims that the Labour Party act as they do because the know the Tories would not act differently if they were in office), the parliamentary arena (based on ideology, this model claims that Labour want the Lisbon Treaty because it has a stronger social dimension than earlier treaties) and the internal arena (based on the problem of identification, this model claims that the Labour Party identifies itself with the British government, and not just the voters, and are afraid of damaging Britain?s influence in the EU and international politics if Britain says ?no? to the Lisbon Treaty)..

Jobbcoachning : En undersökning om hur jobbcoachernas coachningsprocess ser ut

Labour market coaching (Swedish:?Jobbcoachning?) was a comprehensive political project for the Swedish labour market, with the aim of helping unemployed individuals to enter the labour market. Between 2009-2014  the labour market coaching was carried out by private companies through governmental regulations. This thesis aims to find out (1) what coaching activities the coaches used, and (2) how these coaching activities can be understood in the light of previous scientific research. My results consist of interviews conducted with six labour market coaches.

Emotionella upplevelser och emotionsreglering i samband med en nedskärningsprocess

The aim of this study was to investigate emotions and emotion regulation of a downsizing in an industrial company. The sample consisted of persons who had experienced a downsizing but have kept the employment, within a same position or being transferred to another one. Data consisted of two focus group interviews, analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The results have indicated that emotional reactions changed over time as well the emotional regulation did during the different phases. The groups differed in emotional reaction related to the time of decision regarding the retention of employment.

Tryggare kan ingen vara? En studie om den danska flexicurity-modellens lämplighet för Sverige

This paper discuss the possibilities to transfer the Danish labour market policy, called flexicurity, to Sweden. There are two main purposes of this essay. The first purpose is to discuss the reasons why the Danish labour market policy could be interesting for Sweden. The second purpose is to investigate which obstacles that might occur during the transfer. For guidance I have used two startingpoints which highlights the Danish flexicurity's pros and cons.

"En puff i rätt riktning"? : En intervjustudie om hur personer med olika länderbakgrund upplever arbetsmarknadsåtgärden Komjobb i Norrköpings kommun

The study sheds light on how individuals from different countries experience the labour action Komjobb. The study aim to examine in which consideration experiences of the action Komjobb differs among the participants. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews and analyzed by using the method of phenomenography. We have based this research on a theory about Social constructivism. Other theories that we have used are Bauman's theory about the changing value of work in the modern and postmodern society and Andersson's theory of unemployment as a social category.

Handarbetets sociala rum - om emotionshantering och kollektiv identitet i handarbetsrörelsen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate emotions and collective identity in the handicraftmovement. Which are the collective identities of craft movement, and is it possible to speak ofan over all collective identity among the handicraft people? I will also examine the emotion workboth on individual and group level.Eight qualitative interviews were conducted to achieve the aim of this thesis. Research haspreviously drawn attention to handicraft from a gender and a historical perspective but neverfrom an emotional one. The theoretical framework derives from an emotion sociologicalperspective where Collins interaction rituals, emotional energy and Hochschild?s emotionmanagement is the main theses.

EmoWheel : En metodutveckling för utvärdering av emotionellt engagemang

This is a study of how emotional engagement can be measured and be taken into account in the development of websites. We believe that emotions become relevant only when viewed in correlation to how users experiencing a webpage. In this study, we developed a tool for use together with user tests where the information about the user's emotional engagement can add new value to the evaluation. The tool allows the user to mark, on the website, his/her emotions and level of engagement represented by colored circles, generating quantiative data on how users feel about the website. The tool is part of a method for evaluating the emotional engagement that we have developed which consists of user testing supported by the tool and accompanied by interviews..

Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.

Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.

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